Sunday, June 12, 2011


This afternoon was hot. Stephanie and I were tired and thinking about the beach. But this afternoon the Manzanilla men's adult fútbol team was playing in the final match of the Jalisco championships. We had to go. So, after much deliberation and laziness we got on the last bus to Chihautlan, which is only 40 minutes by car but was an hour and a half by bus. We got there before things got too exciting and were immediately glad we came (well, I was, probably because of napping before. Stephanie was sleeeeeepyyyy.)

Seriously entertaining day from the start when Stephanie decided to wear an orange shirt after we couldn't figure out the colors. Turns out that is Chihautlan's color. WHAT are the chances of that??

We were on a roll in the second half, scoring 3 more good goals, one right before the end of the game. 4-1!! The party begins.

A woman doles out the flags at the beginning of the game and wrestles them out of all the men's fingers when its over. The man in the white shirt is Berto who offered us a ride home with his uncle. Sweetest guy I've met.
And on the way back through Chihuatlan, after stopping for more beer at a Modela store where you can buy singles and after painting the car with green window marker and yelling a little, we drove in the parade of cars singing for Manzanilla. Pickup trucks full of people cheering and waving flags. Three hours after the team got back to town (which caused an explosion of honking and screaming and music) people are still celebrating in the Jardín. Arriba Manzanilla!!

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